Smart Buildings

Thalo Labs

Smart emissions management for every building operator

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Tackling Building Emissions Directly at the Source

It’s easy to spot emissions from a car’s tailpipe or factory smog, but there’s a much larger, less visible opportunity to cut emissions: buildings. The built environment is the 2nd largest source of emissions globally and significant in cities. More than 70% of NYC’s emissions are from buildings. Brendan Hermalyn and his team address this challenge head-on by equipping building owners with the data-driven tools needed to slash costs, cut carbon, and manage emissions.

Real-Time Measurement to Cut Carbon Onsite

The Climate Challenge
1/3 of U.S. emissions come from buildings, often from fixable things like leaks and poor maintenance. These issues lead to over $100 billion wasted in energy costs annually, per the Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy.

New laws enforcing performance standards make cleaning up buildings increasingly important. The challenge is that the available data only estimates by building or machine type and isn’t specific enough to guide action.

Seeking a Solution
Brendan Hermalyn is helping building operators reduce emissions with a comprehensive onsite solution. Brendan explains, “We’re making emissions management smarter. Our platform offers detailed insights and tools similar to those used in large power plants to put action directly in control of owners and operators.”

A Seamless Fit
The Thalo Labs platform fits into the built environment, whether it’s a boiler room or a building lobby. The system integrates software and hardware to measure emissions, mitigate them, and capture carbon onsite.

“We find where customers are just burning cash and help them fix it,” says Brendan. “Our system pinpoints opportunities to reduce emissions, and then we make it happen, which can mean boosting asset efficiency, resolving fugitive methane and refrigerant leaks, or capturing CO2 directly from indoor air.”

The Outcome
Major real estate companies aim to reduce emissions on an average timeline of 12 years. Thalo Labs’ ability to align financial benefits with emission reduction is critical to achieving these goals. This effort is crucial in places like New York City, where buildings make up 70% of emissions. In NYC, the Urban Green Council predicts regulation alone will drive demand for $24.3 billion in retrofits by 2030.

Meet Brendan Hermalyn

I wanted to build something that could make a difference today. That kind of thinking quickly leads to working on emissions and buildings, which is the biggest sector to go after.